Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm starting this blog as a few friends have expressed interest in my family's journeys in the homeschooling universe. So I'll start with a little about us as an introduction;

I'm a single mum, studying a Bachelor of Arts off-campus, majoring in Archaeology and Paleoanthropology. No idea if I'll ever use it for a career but I'm loving what I'm learning. My future aim is to finish this degree and by then, the boys will be old enough and I can go to uni full-time and on-campus and do a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science. Hopefully by the time I finish I won't be too old to actually work!

Oldest son, S is 17 and at High School, currently aiming to do something in graphic design.

Youngest son, N is 14 and my home-schooled kiddo. He was suffering severe anxiety and depression at school, to the point of having to see a psychologist, who really didn't do a whole lot. While he was being bullied, that wasn't the largest part of the issue, it was mainly that he couldn't learn in the school environment. Now he's at home I suspect he has some sensory issues, which I plan on having investigated in the future, as he freaks out with too much sensory input and completely shuts down. The school's response to this at the time was that he had to learn to deal with anxiety, however when it's something as overwhelming as noise, sights and various other input all at once, you can't just always deal with that. Since having him home he's become a completely different boy. He still has a few meltdowns but generally he's so much calmer and more relaxed.

So this blog is mostly about our homeschooling journey and our discoveries and anything else along the way :)

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